TYBCA-V >> DOTNET- 20 Marks

1) Write a Vb.net program to check whether entered string is palindrome or not.

2) Write a Vb.net program for blinking an image.

3) Write a Vb.Net program to move the Text “Dr D Y Patil College” continuously from Left to Right.

4)Write a Vb.net program to accept a number from an user through InputBox and display its multiplication table into the ListBox.

5)Write a Vb.net program to accept n numbers through InputBox and count the number of Armstrong and Perfect numbers among them and display their count by using messagebox.

6) Write a Vb.net program to add two TextBoxes, two Labels and one button at runtime. Accept two numbers in textboxes and handle DivideByZeroException.

7)Write a Vb.net program to design following screen, accept the details from the user. Clicking on Submit button Net Salary should be calculated and displayed into the TextBox. Display the MessageBox informing the Name and Net Salary of employee.

8) Write a Vb.net program to accept number from user into the TextBox. Calculate the square root of that number also convert the entered number into binary number and display result into the Message Box

9)Design a Vb.net form to pick a date from DateTimePicker Control and display day, month and year in separate text boxes. .

10) Write a Vb.net program to accept a character from keyboard and check whether it is vowel or not. Also display the case of that character.

11) Write a Vb.net program to accept sentences in text box and count the number of words and display the count in message box. previous character.

12) Write a Vb.net program to design the following form, accept the numbers through textbox and add them into the ListBoxe1 by clicking on Add button. When user click on Prime button then all the prime numbers from ListBox1 should get added into ListBox2.

13)Write a Vb.net program to design the following form, allow the user to select radio buttons from Gender and Age Panel. After Selection appropriate CheckBox from Right Panel should be selected automatically. Display appropriate message into the MessageBox by clicking on Ok button. characters

14) Write a Vb.net program to design the following form, select the question number from combo box that question will be displayed into textbox and the options for that question will be displayed on four radio buttons, select option and click on submit button result should be displayed in another textbox.

15) Write a Vb.net program to generate Sample TreeView control shown in following form:

16) Write a Vb.net program to design the following form, it contains the three menus Color (Red,Blue,Green) ,Window(Maximize, Minimize, Restore) and Exit. On Selection of any menu or submenu result should affect the form control( for example if user selected Red color from Color menu back color of form should get changed to Red and if user selected Maximize from Window Menu then form should get maximized).

17)Write a Vb.net program to design the following form, this program shows the details of students in the form of form (use split container or Groupbox control to separate the input and output session).

18)Write a Vb.net program to design the following form, accept all details from user and display the details through message box.

19)Develop the menu based Vb.net application to implement a text editor with cut, copy, paste, save, close operations

20)Write a VB.NET program to do the following operations on RichTextBox values i) Font Style ii) Font Color iii) Save iv) Open

21)Write a VB.NET program to create a table Patient (Pid, PName, Contact_No, Disease). Insert records into table and display appropriate message in message box. (Use MS Access to create db)

22)Write a VB.NET program to create a table Employee (Eid, EName, Designation, doj). Insert records into table and display it in GridView. (Use SQLServer to create db)

23)Write a VB.NET program to create a table student (RollNo ,SName, Class). Insert the records (Max: 5). Update class of students to ‘TYBCA’ whose class is ‘SYBCA’ and display updated records in GridView. (Use MS Access to create db)

24)Write a VB.NET program to create teacher table (Tid , TName, subject). Insert the records (Max : 5). Search record of a teacher who teaches “VB.NET” subject and display result in GridView. (Use SQL to create db)

25)Write a VB.NET program to create movie table (Mv_Name, Release_year, Director). Insert the records(Max: 5). Delete the records of movies whose release year is 2015 and display appropriate message in messagebox.(Use MS Access to create db) numbers.

26)Write a VB.NET program to accept the details of customer (CName, Contact_No, Email_id). Store it into the database with proper validation and display appropriate message by using Messagebox.(Use MS Access )

27)Write a VB.NET program to accept the details of product (pid, pname, expiry_date, price). Store it into the database and display it on the Crystal Report.(Use SQL Server)

28)Write a VB.NET program to accept the details Supplier (SupId, SupName, Phone_No, Address ) store it into the database and display it. (Use Crystal Report)

29)Write a VB.NET program to create Author table (aid , aname , book_name). Insert the records (Max 5). Delete a record of author who has written “VB.NET book” and display remaining records on the Crystal Report.(Use MS Access to create db)

30)Write a VB.NET program to create player table (Pid,PName,Game, no_of_matches). Insert records and update number of matches of ‘Sachin Tendulkar’ and display result in Crystal Report.(Use SQL to create db)


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