1) Write HTML and CSS code to design a web page. Divide the browser screen into two frames. The first frame will display the heading. Divide the second frame into two columns. The frame on the right contains a image of “Home and Kitchen Appliances”. The frame on the left contains a menu consisting of hyperlinks. Clicking on any one of these hyperlinks will display related information in a new page as shown below. Use External style sheet with appropriate attributes to display information of each frame. Home Shopping Kitchen & Dining i. Cookware ii. Kitchenware iii. Bakeware iv. Serveware Image of Home and Kitchen Appliances Home & Kitchen appliances ⦁ Kitchen & Dining ⦁ Furnishings ⦁ Home Décor ⦁ Home Improvement
2) Write HTML and CSS code to design a web page displaying list of hyperlinks. Divide the browser screen into two frames. The first frame will display the heading. Divide the second frame into two columns. The frame on the left will be a menu consisting of hyperlinks. Clicking on any one of these hyperlinks will display related information as a new page which must be open in frame on the right hand side. Use Inline style sheet with appropriate attributes to display information of each frame. IT Industries in INDIA City 1. Pune 2. Banglore 3. Hydrabad 4. Delhi Pune ⦁ Infosys ⦁ TCS ⦁ Tech-Mahindra ⦁ Persistent
3) Write a JavaScript to create an image slider.(Use array to store images)
4)Write a JavaScript Program to read a number from user, store its factors into the array and display that array. (Handle onClick Event)
5)Write HTML and CSS code to design a web page. Divide the browser screen into two frames. The first frame will display the heading. The second frame contains a menu consisting of hyperlinks. Clicking on any one of these hyperlinks will display related information in a new page as shown below. Use Internal style sheet with appropriate attributes to display information of each frame. COMPUTER APPLICATION DEPARTMENT F.Y. B.C.A. Exam Time Table Date Time Subject Code Subject Name 12/10/2015 10:30 am – 1:30pm 101 PPA 13/10/2015 10:30 am – 1:30pm 102 MOE 14/10/2015 10:30 am – 1:30pm 103 BC 15/10/2015 10:30 am – 1:30pm 104 PM 16/10/2015 10:30 am – 1:30pm 105 FA
6) Write a JavaScript program to read a character string from user and perform the following functions: ⦁ Accept a character from user and count the number of occurrences of that character in the string. ⦁ Accept a Position from user and print the character at specified position. (Use promt() function for accepting a character) and display the result.
7)Write HTML code to design a website for Online Shopping. Design two pages which contains hyperlink to each other. All pages must have different background. Divide the first home page horizontally into two frames. The first frame contains logo and name of the shopping site. Divide the second frame vertically in two frames out of which First(right) frame displays two hyperlink images such as Mobiles, Car and second(left) frame displays information about shopping site in scrolling form. Divide the second page vertically in two frames. The first frame displays Category list (which are again hyperlinked) Clicking on any one of these hyperlinks will display related information (Image, Name of the Model & Price) of the category in a second frame.
8) Write a JavaScript program to design student registration form and perform following validation: - Check all fields should not contain a null value - Check name field contains only alphabets - Mobile No. field should be of 10 digits.s - Pin code field should be of 06 digits.
9)Write HTML code to design a website of facebook. Design three pages Home, Profile and Find Friends Request page which are linked to each other. Design First two pages of website (Home &Profile ) as shown below. And Third page (Find Friends Request) contains information as Image ,Name of Sender ,And two buttons Confirm and Delete.
10) Write HTML code to design a website for Flight Reservation.
11)Write a Java Script program to design Customer Account Details Form and perform validation on pan number field. (pan number is of only 10 characters long, out of which first 5 characters are alphabets, next 4 characters are digits and last character is alphabet )
12) Write a JavaScript program to compare the values of password and confirmed password field and display message accordingly. Also perform the validation to check any of the field should not be empty.
13)Write a JavaScript Program to accept user name and password from an user, if Username and Password is same then display his score card on the next page as shown below. characters
14)write a JavaScript program to read employee details and generate pay slip which will calculate netsalary of an employee.
15) Write a PHP script to accept the details of Employee (EName, Designation, Department Gender ,Salary) and display it on next page.
16)Write a PHP script to set selected image from ComboBox (DropDownList) to the background of Page.
17)Write a PHP script to display a Multiplication table in tabular format. Design HTML page to accept a value
18)Write a PHP script to change Background color of the browser using switch statement according to a day of the week
19) Design a HTML page to accept a number and write a PHP script to display that number in words e.g. 123 -à one two three
20)Design a HTML form to accept a String. Write a PHP function to count the total number of vowels (a,e,i,o,u) from the string. Show the occurrences of each vowel from the string
21)Design a HTML form to accept two numbers from the user. Give options to choose the arithmetic operation (use radio buttons). Write a PHP function to display the result on the next form. (Use the concept of function and default parameters)
22)Design a HTML form to accept two strings from the user. Write a PHP function to find the first occurrence and the last occurrence of the small string in the large string. Also count the total number of occurrences of small string in the large string. Provide a text box to accept a string, which will replace the small string in the large string. (Use built-in functions)
23)Design HTML page to read the value for n. Write a PHP script to display first n even numbers with font size = 12 and color = red and first n odd numbers with font face = Times new Roman , size = 17 & color = yellow.
24) Design a HTML form to accept two strings from the user. Write a PHP function to find whether the small string appears at the start of the large string. Provide a text box to accept the string that will replace all occurrences of small string present in the large string. Also split the large string into separate words. (Use regular expressions)
25). Design a HTML form to accept email address from the user. Write a PHP function using regular expressions check for the validity of entered email-id. The @ symbol should not appear more than once. The dot (.) can appear at the most once before @ and at the most twice or at least once after @ symbol. The substring before @ should not begin with a digit or underscore or dot or @ or any other special character. numbers.
26)Write a menu driven program in PHP to perform the following operations on an associative array: i. Display the elements of an array along with the keys. ii. Display the size of an array iii. Delete an element from an array from the given index. iv. Reverse the order of each element’s key-value pair v. Traverse the elements in an array in random order.
27)Write a PHP Script for the following: a. Declare a Multidimensional Array. b. Display specific element from a Multidimensional array. c. Also delete given element from the Multidimensional array. d. Display an array. e. Search a given element from an array.
28) Write a menu driven program in PHP to perform the following stack and queue related operations. i. Insert an element in stack ii. Delete an element from stack iii. Display the contents of stack iv. Insert an element in queue v. Delete an element from queue vi. Display the contents of queue
29)Write a menu driven program in PHP to perform the following operations on associative arrays: 1. Sort the array by values (changing the keys) in ascending, descending order. 2. Also sort the array by values without changing the keys. 3. Filter the odd elements from an array. 4. Sort the different arrays at a glance using single function. 5. Merge the given arrays. 6. Find the intersection of two arrays. 7. Find the union of two arrays. 8. Find set difference of two arrays.
30)Write a JavaScript program to Display current Day, Date, Month, Year and Time on the web page and greet the user accordingly.