SYBCA-IV >> c++ - 15 Marks

1)Write a C++ program to create a class Worker with data members as Worker_Name, No_of_Hours_worked, Pay_Rate. Write necessary member functions to calculate and display the salary of worker. (Use default value for Pay_Rate).

2)Write a C++ program using class which contains two data members of type integer. Create and initialize the object using default constructor, parameterized constructor and parameterized constructor with default value. Write a member function to display maximum from given two numbers for all objects.

3)Write a C++ program to create a class Date which contains three data members as dd, mm, yyyy. Create and initialize the object by using parameterized constructor and display date in dd-mon-yyyy format. (Input: 19-12-2014 Output: 19-Dec-2014) Perform validation for month.

4) Write a C++ program to create a class Part which contains data members as Part_Id, Part_Name, Part_Price. Create and Initialize all values of Part object by using parameterized constructor and copy constructor. Display the values of Part object. (Part_price should be right justified with a precision of two digits)

5) Write a C++ program to create a class Item with data members Item_Code, Item_Name, Item_Price. Write member functions to accept and display Item information also display number of objects created for a class. (Use Static data member and Static member function)

6) Write a C++ program to create a class Date which contains three data members as dd, mm, yyyy. Create and initialize the object by using parameterized constructor and display date in dd-mon-yyyy format. (Input: 19-12-2014 Output: 19-Dec-2014) Perform validation for month.

7) Write a C++ program to create a class which contains single dimensional integer array of given size. Write a member function to display even and odd numbers from a given array. (Use Dynamic Constructor to allocate and Destructor to free memory of an object)

8) Write a C++ program to create a class Employee which contains data members as Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Basic_Salary, HRA, DA, Gross_Salary. Write member functions to accept Employee information. Calculate and display Gross salary of an employee. (DA=12% of Basic salary and HRA = 30% of Basic salary) (Use appropriate manipulators to display employee information in given format :- Emp_Id and Emp_Name should be left justified and Basic_Salary, HRA, DA, Gross salary Right justified with a precision of two digits)

9) Write a C++ program to create a class Person which contains data members as P_Name, P_City, P_Contact_Number. Write member functions to accept and display five Persons information. Design User defined Manipulator to print P_Contact_Number. (For Contact Number set right justification, maximum width to 10 and fill remaining spaces with ‘*’)

10) Write a C++ program to read two float numbers. Perform arithmetic binary operations like +, - , *, / on these numbers using Inline Function. Display resultant value with a precision of two digits. .

11) Write a C++ program to find area and volume of cylinder using Inline function.

12) Write a C++ program to accept length and width of a rectangle. Calculate and display perimeter as well as area of a rectangle by using Inline function.

13) Write a C++ program to calculate area of cone, sphere and circle by using function overloading.

14)Write a C++ program to create a class Book which contains data members as B_Id, B_Name, B_Author, B_Publication. Write member functions to accept and display Book information also display Count of books. (Use Static data member to maintain Count of books)

15)Write a C++ program to create a class which contains two data members. Write member functions to accept display and swap two entered numbers using call by reference.

16)Write a C++ program to accept ‘n’ numbers from user through Command Line Argument. Store all positive and negative numbers in two different arrays. Display contents both arrays. .

17)Write a C++ program to create a class Student which contains data members as Roll_Number, Stud_Name, Percentage. Write member functions to accept Student information. Display all details of student along with a class obtained depending on percentage. (Use array of objects)

18) Write a C++ program to create a class Integer. Write necessary member functions to overload the operator unary pre and post increment ‘++’ for an integer number.

19) Write a C++ program to create a class Integer. Write necessary member functions to overload the operator unary pre and post decrement ‘--’ for an integer number.

20)Write a C++ program to calculate maximum of two integer numbers of two different classes using friend function.

21)Write a C++ program to swap two integer values and two float values by using function template

22) Write the definition for a class called ‘point’ that has x & y as integer data members. Use copy constructor to copy one object to another. (Use Default and parameterized constructor to initialize the appropriate objects) Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of above class.

23) Write the definition for a class called point that has x & y as integer data members. Overload the assignment operator (=) to copy one object to another. (Use Default and parameterized constructor to initialize the appropriate objects) Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of above class. */

24)Create a C++ class Sumdata to perform following functions: int sum( int, int) – returns the addition of two integer arguments. float sum(flaot, float, float) – returns the addition of three float arguments. int sum( int [ ] ,int) – returns the sum of all elements in an array of size ‘n’.

25) Create a class Clock that contains integer data members as hours, minutes and seconds. Write a C++ program to perform following member functions: void setclock(int, int, int ) to set the initial time of clock object. void showclock() to display the time in hh:min:sec format. Write a function tick( ) which by default increment the value of second by 1 or according to user specified second. The clock uses 24 hours format.

26) Create a C++ class Mindata to perform following functions: int min( int, int) – returns the minimum of two integer arguments. float min(float, float, float) – returns the minimum of three float arguments. int min( int [ ] ,int) – returns the minimum of all elements in an array of size ‘n’.

27)Write a class sales (Salesmam_Name, Product_name, Sales_Quantity, Target). Each salesman deals with a separate product and is assigned a target for a month. At the end of the month his monthly sales is compared with target and commission is calculated as follows: If Sales_Quantity > target then commission is 25% of extra sales made + 10% of target If Sales_Quantity ==target then commission is 10% of target. Otherwise commission is zero Display the salesman information along with commission obtained. (Use array of objects)

28) Create a class Point that has x & y as integer data members. Write a C++ program to perform following functions: void setpoint(int, int) To set the specified values of x and y in object. void showpoint() To display contents of point object. point addpoint(point) To add the corresponding values of x, and y in point object argument to current point object return point.

29)Write a C++ program to find maximum of two integer numbers and two float numbers by using function template.

30)write a c++ program to sort integer and folat array elemnetd in assending order by using funcion overloading .


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