1) Write a ‘C’ program to reverse a string using Static implementation of Stack.
2) Write a ‘C’ program to evaluate a given polynomial using function. (Use array).
3) Write a ‘C’ program for implementing Linear Search method using function.
5)Write a ‘C’ program for addition of two polynomials using array.
7)Write a ‘C’ program to search given element into the list using Recursive Binary search method.
9)Write a ‘C’ program to sort array elements using Bubble sort method. .
10) Write a ‘C’ program to count indegree and outdegree of each node in graph.
11)Write a ‘C’ program which accept the string and reverse each word of the string using stack.
12) Write a ‘C’ program to create Circular Singly Link list and display it.
13)Write a ‘C’ program to sort array elements using Insertion sort method.
14)Write a ‘C’ program to sort array elements in ascending order using Selection sort method.
18)Write a ‘C’ program to sort the element using Quick sort (recursive) method.
19)) Write a ‘C’ program to sort the array elements in ascending order using Merge sort method.
23) Write a ‘C’ program to create binary search tree and display its leaf nodes.
25) Write a ‘C’ program to create doubly link list and display nodes having even value.
26) Write a ‘C’ program to create a Circular doubly Link list and display it.
27)Write a ‘C’ program to swap mth and nth element of singly linked list.
28)Write a ‘C’ program to create a singly Link list and display its alternative nodes.