SYBCA-II >> DS- 15 Marks

1) Write a ‘C’ program to reverse a string using Static implementation of Stack.

2) Write a ‘C’ program to evaluate a given polynomial using function. (Use array).

3) Write a ‘C’ program for implementing Linear Search method using function.

4)Write a ‘C’ program that create a 2-D table of integers whose size will be specified at run time. (Dynamic Memory Allocation).

5)Write a ‘C’ program for addition of two polynomials using array.

6) Write a ‘C’ program to search given elements into the list using Non-Recursive Binary Search Method.

7)Write a ‘C’ program to search given element into the list using Recursive Binary search method.

8)Write a C program that create a 1-D table of integers whose size will be specified at run time. (Dynamic Memory Allocation).

9)Write a ‘C’ program to sort array elements using Bubble sort method. .

10) Write a ‘C’ program to count indegree and outdegree of each node in graph.

11)Write a ‘C’ program which accept the string and reverse each word of the string using stack.

12) Write a ‘C’ program to create Circular Singly Link list and display it.

13)Write a ‘C’ program to sort array elements using Insertion sort method.

14)Write a ‘C’ program to sort array elements in ascending order using Selection sort method.

15) Write a ‘C’ program to accept n student names from user and store it in an array. Write a function to search given student name into the array using Linear search method.

16)Write a ‘C’ program to accept two polynomials and add these two polynomials using function. Display the result (Use array).

17)Write a ‘C’ program to sort elements of a singly linked list in ascending order and display the sorted List.

18)Write a ‘C’ program to sort the element using Quick sort (recursive) method.

19)) Write a ‘C’ program to sort the array elements in ascending order using Merge sort method.

20)Write a ‘C’ program to read a postfix expression, evaluate it and display the result. (Using two variable) .

21)Write a ‘C’ program to create two singly linked lists and concatenate one list at the end of another list.

22)Write a ‘C’ program to remove last node of the singly linked list and insert it at the beginning of list.

23) Write a ‘C’ program to create binary search tree and display its leaf nodes.

24)Write a ‘C’ program to count all non-zero elements, odd numbers and even numbers in the singly linked list.

25) Write a ‘C’ program to create doubly link list and display nodes having even value.

26) Write a ‘C’ program to create a Circular doubly Link list and display it.

27)Write a ‘C’ program to swap mth and nth element of singly linked list.

28)Write a ‘C’ program to create a singly Link list and display its alternative nodes.

29)Write a ‘C’ program to create to a Singly linked list. Accept the number from user, search the number in the list .If the number is present delete the node from the list and display the list .If node not present print the message “Node not Found”.

30)Write a ‘C’ program to accept the details of employees from user and display it on the screen using Dynamic Memory Allocation.


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