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SYBCA-IV >> VB 6.0 - 25 Marks

1)Create the following application in VB. The form should contain the following menu
Draw Modify Exit Circle Shrink Expand Erase
On selection of the menu option ‘Circle’, a circle should be drawn on the screen. The user can Shrink, Expand or Erase the circle by selecting the menu option or by displaying a popup menu after the right mouse button is clicked or pressed. The popup menu should contain the option Shrink, Expand or Erase which should perform the same operation as the menu option.

2)Write a VB Program for Dental Payment Form. Calculate total on selected options from check boxes.

3)Design a form in VB with two List boxes. Set the style property of both to 0 and 2 (Multi select) respectively. One with the left arrow and one with the right arrow. On pressing the left arrow the selected item from List Box 1 should be transferred to List Box 2 (only if it does exist in List Box 2). If the right arrow is pressed, the selected item (multiple selection are not in ListBox2) transferred to List box 1.Add items and remove items buttons for each list. Duplicate item should not be added .

4)Design an application in VB which has a Drivelistbox, Dirlistbox, Filelistbox control. The form contains the following command buttons: All drives: Display all drives in computer (including network drives) All subdirectories: Display all subfolders of the currently selected directory.
All files : Display a popup menu which contains the following options:
All document files
b All bitmaps
c All files
On selection of option, display the specified type.

5) Write a VB program to accept the details of student and display mark sheet details on grid control.( roll_ no, student_ name, class, sub1, sub2, sub3, total, percentage, grade).

6)Create a class Time which contains data members as: Hours, Minutes and Seconds. Write C++ program to perform following necessary member functions: i. To read time ii. To display time in format like: hh:mm:ss iii. To add two different times (Use Objects as argument) .

7) Write a VB Program to accept the details of employee from user & store those details in to the database. (Don’t use Standard controls) Employee having fields emp_code, emp_name, salary, dateofjoining.

8) Write a VB Program to accept the details of Company from user & store those details in to the database. (Don’t use Standard controls) Company having fields ccode, cname, cadddress, cphno.

9) Write a VB program to accept the details of doctor having field’s dno, dname, address, and phone number. Display those details on to the grid.

10) Write a VB program to accept the details of book, store those details into the database and delete the particular record of given book id. (Use InputBox) .

11) Write a VB program to search an employee record from the database according to the empcode and display that record onto the form. (Use Input box).

12) Write a VB program to accept the details of product (pno, pname, qty, price totalprice) store it into the database and update the quantity of product having pno is 100. (Don’t use Standard Data controls)

13)Write a menu driven program in VB for reservation & cancellation of tickets for an airline. The menu should also contain an option for displaying the reservation details. The program should ask for the no. of tickets that the user wants to book and category (Business class, First class & Economy) use a ListBox control .Display number of tickets booked, Category & total amount. The reservation details should display no. of tickets booked at any instant of time category-wise.

14)Write a VB program to store the details of players into the database and display that details using ADODC.

15)Design the digital watch using Timer Control.

16) Write a VB a program to enter “Voters details and on next form disply Voter’s Information and check proper validation for(name, age,nationality) as Name should be in upper case letters Age should not be less than 18 yrs. Natinality should be Indian.

17)Write a VB a program to enter “Voters details and on next form disply Voter’s Information and check proper validation for(name, age,nationality) as Name should be in upper case letters Age should not be less than 18 yrs. Natinality should be Indian.

18) Write a VB program, i.e. menu driven that facilitates following task in a hotel 1. Reserves a room for a date 2. Cancel the reservation 3. Checkout, print bill on the checkout 4. List of all booked rooms. Assume that the hotel contains 5 rooms .

19) Create a Sport database consisting of a single table called booking for storing sports toolkit information namely name of game, equipment and price. Write a menu driven program with following options for operations on the database File Record Modify Exit Previous Add New Next Delete Current First Last

20)Design a calculator in VB, Which has Two extra command buttons to check factorial of given number and to check whether entered number is even or odd .

21)Write VB program to design following form
User will select color from option button and style from check boxes that should apply to text in text boxes. When user press on Display button that image should be displayed in the picture box.

22) Write a VB program to accept the details of students from user & store details in to the database. Using data environment create report. (Use standard ADODC controls) Student (S_Rollno, S_Name, S_Class, S_Address ) .

23) Write a VB program to accept Input from Textbox. Check whether given input is alphabet or number. If it is alphabet check that it is in uppercase or lowercase. Display appropriate result using msgbox.

24)Write a VB program to accept the details of book, store those details into the database and delete the particular record of given book id. (Use InputBox).

25) Write a VB program that takes a set of ten numbers and converts them into either a bar chart or pie chart using appropriate button.

26) Create an application in VB to display 4 X 4 squares on the screen. One of the blocks will be active with black color all other block will be fill with blue color. Provide a command button as follows to move the active cell the active cell should be change only if it is within the boundary.

27)Write a menu driven program in VB for reservation & cancellation of tickets for a theatre. The menu should also contain an option for displaying the reservation details. The program should ask for the no. of tickets that the user wants to book and category (balcony, upper & lower) (Use a List Box).Display no. of tickets booked, Category & total amount. The reservation details should display no. of tickets booked at any instant of time category-wise.

28) Write a VB program to design Traffic signal using shape control.

29) Write a VB program for dragging and dropping multiple objects. (Take two command buttons RESET and EXIT, and four image controls). When user click on reset button then all images will go to original position.

30)Write a VB program to create a form with a combo box having list of cities and 3 command buttons as ADD , DELETE and EXIT. ADD button will add a new city in the combo box, DELETE will delete the selected city and EXIT will end the program.


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